JFK Dress Code
SY 2022-2023
Commencing SY 2021-2022, The Guam Education Board has reinstated Board Policy 401: School Uniforms. Students are expected to comply with the dress code requirements.
The official uniform vendor Moda Gino’s located in Tamuning. Contact number is: 477-8945/7139.
The intent of the JFKHS Student Dress Code is to maintain a positive learning environment that: promotes unity and pride; fosters safety and security of all; minimizes socio-economic distinction; and creates an environment free of harassment.
Students, whose personal attire distracts the attention from the learning process or might be hazardous to themselves or others in the course of school operation, will be required to male the appropriate adjustments that the school administrator may deem necessary to maintain social standards appropriate to a positive and safe learning environment.
The following points address the dress code and school attire:
1. The school will make every effort to be diligent and consistent in enforcing the dress code policy.
2. All students are required to enter the campus in attire that complies with the dress code, with the exception of students changing into appropriate PE attire.
3. If and when field trips are allowed, students are expected to follow the dress-code policy.
4. Repeated refusals to follow the dress code will warrant progressive student disciplinary action, including parent conference, lunchtime detention, and denial of privileges.
5. Pregnant students must be cleared by the school nurse and administrators to be able to deviate from the dress code policy.
6. Pullovers, jackets and sweaters are allowed. Hoods should not be used in the hallways.
The following specific points address the Dress Code Policy:
Closed-toe shoes with enclosed backing must be worn at all times.
Prohibited Items