The mission of the Student Support Services Office is to create a culture that motivates students to want the best, do their best, and be the best they can.
Students and parents are hereby informed that the staff, faculty, and administration will not tolerate behavior or situations that might compromise the safety or well-being of any student. The community at JFKHS is committed to maintaining a safe and appropriate educational climate on our campus – an environment conducive to teaching and learning that is free from unnecessary disturbances and outside influences that are inconsistent with our school’s mission.
Students should be aware that the staff, faculty, and administration function as their parents/guardians (in loco parentis) while the students are on campus or attending school-sponsored activities. This legal concept assigns the school the authority and the responsibility to require students to adhere to a specific code of conduct and to apply interventions and consequences when students are found to be in non-compliance with expectations. School policies are created and applied in order to provide a safe, respectful, and effective learning environment.
Click on the Parking Decal/Half-Day Pass Below: Download the Application and Submit to the Student Support Services Office in Room A120. Fees apply.
Any Question/Concerns, email regarding these applications

Students experiencing mental health-related distress.
That could be:
Thoughts of suicide
Mental health or substance use crisis, or
Any other kind of emotional distress.
The Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Framework is a system of supports to improve students’ academic and social behavior. PBIS is an approach that emphasizes classroom management and preventive school discipline to support teaching and learning by monitoring student conduct, defining appropriate student behavior, and identifying effective management practices.
Support Services & Outreach Teams
JFKHS Social Workers: Erlinda Toves and Austin Castro
The school climate culture and engagement (SCCE) Project is district project supplmented with federal funds that aims to assist at-risk students and thier families by providing social serivces supports and promoting parent engagement. Additionally the program exist to encourage parent involvment and facilitate interaction between families and the school.
Mission Statement: The missiona of the SCCE is to provide schools and families with adequate support in meeting the varied needs of children in the most effective manner and to promote the importance of parental engagement in education. A compnent of the SCCE project is the support service and Out-reach Team (SSOT).
If you need to inquiry for these services, please contact Ms. Erlinda Toves at or Mr. Austin Castro at
Office Number is (671) 300- 4364.
It is the responsibility of each student and parent to be aware of and to adhere to the following policies.
“I didn’t know” is NOT an acceptable excuse.